Monday, July 30, 2007

Entry 9: Mellow Depressing Monday

Dear Diary,

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been busy with thwarting the mean pussy and basically, being a dog. I've had conventions, top secret meetings (which I am forbidden to reveal information). Either way, I have decided (since I am always so busy,) to write weekly--which could turn into every two - weekly.

Anyways, what's new with me, and why is it Mellow Depressing Monday? Well, I was inside ALL weekend because of bad weather (thanks to my rain-dances :) ] and I had to be outside today. And it was hot as the dickens, let me tell you--not to mention the hickory nuts that fell from the trees and hit me :(. And, when I got inside for awhile, the mean pussy was up to no good: pouncing, biting, scratching, chasing, stealing, and mocking. But things started to lighten up when my family played with me--especially with my Patrick. (My favorite toy)

Anyway, I hope you have a great rest of the week!

Much Love,


P.S. Vintage Girl and I are going to "share" (she won't be posting, she just takes all the pictures) this blog since I model for her :)