Friday, December 29, 2006

Entry 7: Tubular Thursday

Dear Diary,

I am very sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been busy with many doggie things, like elections, meetings, conventions, etc. The president currently is a very smart dog by the name of Duke. You know, Duke from the Baked Bean commercials? I did indeed vote for him, he had a great campaign: Vote for me, and I'll finally find out that secret recipe! He had more to it, but I thought that was the best part. I've always wanted to fin out what the secret recipe is! Every dog does; and he's a hunk too!

Well, I had a jolly Christmas. I got 2 bones that I have already eaten. Oh wait, my Christmas wasn't as jolly. My stupid Step-Uncle brought this froofy little poodle he was babysitting. Ugh the nerve of that dog! She was doing the "oh-I'm-so-pitiful-and-scared-and-I'm-shaking-in-fright!" The Nerve! So naturally I became a yappy dog, and I have been told I am not yappy, but I became yappy! My daddy eventually took me upstairs to my human brother's room where I nervously walked around and did a round-about checking for food (although there was no food) but thats not the point. I could not believe this dog had run me out of my own kitchen! I was soon accompanied by my human brother and my little momma. I calmed down and before I knew it, that poodle was in the crate and I was in the kitchen again! I was so proud to claim my land back!

Well, I think I'll play with my toys and get some sleep, G'Nite

Much Love and Tubularness,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor Poor Maggie! It sounds like you had a rough patch on Christmas Day but you triumphed. Good for you. Happy New Year sweet doggie!